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Zasnežena narava, 29. 1. 2018, Avtor: Boris Štupar




Introducing The Ninety-Pound Rucksack

We’re excited to share a new podcast from long time AAC member and prolific climbing writer, Christian Beckwith.

Introducing The Ninety-Pound Rucksack

The Ninety Pound Rucksack podcast tells the story of the US Army’s 10th Mountain Division, and how these mountain troops ushered in the dawn of outdoor recreation in America.

Foto: Christian Beckwith

The first episode of podcast explores the historical context that brought about the 10th Mountain Division. Host Christian Beckwith digs into the 1939 invasion of Finland during the Second World War, and how Finnish tactics influenced global military considerations of winter warfare, including the realization that America needed a cold-weather and mountain fighting unit of its own. He also digs into the role two young members of The American Alpine Club, H. Adams Carter and Bob Bates, played in the genesis of the Division.

Listen to the first episode ---> https://christianbeckwith.com/

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