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Zasnežena narava, 29. 1. 2018, Avtor: Boris Štupar




RHM na smučeh

ali mednarodno srečanje alpinistk bo letos med 9. in 16. aprilom v Švici

Randez vous Hautes Montagnes - Randez vous Hautes Montagnes

RHM na smučeh

Gostiteljica letošnjega mednarodnega turnosmučarskega srečanja bo Švica. Med 9. in 16. aprilom bodo imele udeleženke možnost, da doživijo prijetno druženje z alpinistkami iz evropskih držav, ZDA in celo Avstralije.

Nastanitev bo na prelazu Simplon od koder bodo sledili vzponi na čudovite vrhove: Bortelhorn, Wasenhorn, Monte Leone, Breithorn... za tiste bolj udarne sta tu tudi Fletchorn in Sengchuppa. Zelo zanimiv je klasičen ledni vzpon preko severne stene Fletchhorna in tudi kaj bolj ekstremnega se bo našlo.

Ni nujno, da ste alpinistke ženskega spola pa, fantje žal, morate biti.

Več informacij najdete (spodaj) v angleščini. Prijavite se lahko direktno tako, da izpolnete prijavnico in jo pošljete organizatorki Anne Picard, annepicard@yahoo.com; koordinatorka za Slovenijo je Lidija Honzak 031 656 038. Prijave do 1. marca 2005.

RHM Skitouring 2005 – Simplonpass (CH)
When: 9 – 16 April
Where: Simplonhospiz

Simplonpass is a well known region for skitouring. In the weekends it can be really croudy on the most popular tours, but there are so many that it is easy to find also quiet peaks. We will be lodging in the monastery right on the pass, the famous Simplon Hospiz.
Just some of the tours: Bortelhorn, Wasenhorn, Monte Leone, Breithorn, Böshorn, Galenhorn, Maderhorn, Spitzhörnli, Staldhorn, Hübschhorn, Schilthorn, and for who really is in good shape….Sengchuppa and Fletschhorn.
The Simplonpass is easy to reach by car, but also by bus from Brig or Iselle which can be reached both by train. Of corse It’s also possibile to stay only part of the week.
Accomodation and prices:
We will sleep in the dormitory and will have halfpension. There is no facility to cook your own food.
The costs are € 29,-/night. If you’re not tired enough after the tour: the Hospiz also has a small boulder wall... gsbernard.ch/sihospiz

Normal skitouring gear, crampons; avalance transceiver, avalanche probe and shovel are obligatory
Gear for glaciers might be useful if you have severe plans like Fletchhorn N-wall (classic ice-climb).
A bedsheet and towel for the hospiz

How to arrive:
By car:

From the north: Brig (CH)
From the south: Domodossola, Iselle (I)
By train/bus:
Busstop Simplon Hospiz > fahrplan.sbb.ch

Meeting point: Simplon Hospiz on saturday evening 9 April

If you plan to attend the meeting, please return the form on the next page before 1 March and indicate if you want to be in a single or a double room, and if you have a car

Name: ………………………………………………………….
Last Name: …………………………………………………….
Tel: ………………………
e-mail: ……………. …………………..
Accomodation: single room / double room
Way of traveling: car/train/plane
Do you need a hike, or do you offer place in your car:

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