Fb LukaLindic (01.01.17): Spending the last Days of the Year with Luka Lindič on the Northeast Face of Piz Badile. Thanks Luka for sharing these Days. I am looking so much forward..." />


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prvi ponovil Luka Lindič v navezi z Ines Papertovo; vest (v angleščini) je na njegovi strani Faceebooka

Fb Luka Lindič (01.01.17): Superb climbing during the last days of the year. @inespapert on the "Supercombo" route on the north face of Piz Badile. + Instagram: lindicluka

Fb Ines Papert <> InedsPapert.de +>Fb LukaLindic (01.01.17): Spending the last Days of the Year with Luka Lindič on the Northeast Face of Piz Badile. Thanks Luka for sharing these Days. I am looking so much forward for more Adventures with you in 2017.

G-L, 25.12.16: Švicarska gorska vodnika 16. decembra preplezala novo mix kombinacijo (M7, R, 800 m) v SV steni Pizzo Badile YouTube

David Hefti in Marcel Schenk sta zahtevno kombinacijo Via Cassin z Memento Mori zmogla mesec dni po Schenkovem prvenstvenem vzponu v Amore di Vetro v isti steni.

Pizzo Badile Nordest supercombo, new mixed combination by David Hefti and Marcel Schenk

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1 komentarjev na članku "Supercombo"

Franci Savenc,

Od 25. 12. 2016 05:28 = 410 obiskov

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