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Lleida Climbs - 2. izdaja

lleidaclimbs.com: Nova verzija plezalnega vodnika, ki zajema stene v severni Kataloniji (blizu Lleida), je s 426. stranmi še bolj obširna kot prejšnja ... (angl. ...)

Lleida Climbs 2nd Edition!

Stop press: we are pleased to announce the release of the second edition of Lleida Climbs!
The second edition features 424 pages — 88 more than the first book— and lists almost 50% more routes. Many of these are situated on newly developed sectors in zones such as Camarasa, Alòs de Balaguer and Abella de la Conca.

We would like to point out that proceeds from the first guidebook — both from advertising revenue and sales of the book itself — have played an important role in financing development of many of the new sectors, and would like to extend our sincere thanks to all our sponsors and customers.

lleidaclimbs.com (25.11.13) - Lleida Climbs 2nd Edition!

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