

Vaje, tečaji, šole (alpinistične, plezalne ...), posamezna posredovanja gorskih reševalcev, poučne vsebine, preventivne akcije, demonstracije ...





Iz Kanade

AO Celje Matica: ... točneje iz mesta Canmore, se je javil Luka Lindič 

 Novico preberite na njegovem blogu. (APR 12TH)


…just nothing goes right. This trip to Canada is just like that. We arrived at the end of amazing window of good weather, then we almost ended in avalanche and now Luka went home for personal reasons. The weather is still bad with snow showers everyday. It′s quite hard to accept it but mind is still stronger than all this. I still hope for some weather window to do something.

I am training every day. Climbing in a new gym and walking/running. The place around Canmore is just perfect for this. There is so many good mountains to “colect” vertical meters. In worst case I will come home in good shape. 

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