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Vimeo/MTB: Mountain Bike Adventure je serija videov fotografa Chrisa Daviesa.

Tretji video je Chris posnel v Sloveniji, pridružil se mu je še gorskokolesarski popotnik Manu Bustelo. Pet dni v okolici smaragdne Soče. Narava, nebeški vzponi in epski spusti. Chris in Manu o tem delu Slovenije le s pohvalami.

Gorskokolesarske avanture: Slovenija

A Mountain Bike Adventure: Slovenia
The third in the series of Mountain Bike Adventures sees Manu join Chris in Slovenia to spend five days riding in the Julian Alps. The colours of autumn contrast with the turquoise river Soca but as the clouds roll in and the rain comes it all gets a bit wet! “A Mountain Bike Adventure” is a series in which Chris and Manu take their bikes and explore places lesser know to the mountain bike world. The series explores the people, the cultures and the incredible trails and landscapes.
A Mountain Bike Adventure is produced by Chris Davies chrisdaviesphotography.com


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