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Plezaj celo življenje, plezaj pametno!

  CWA: Plezanje je samo po sebi nevarno. Profesionalni plezalci Chris Sharma, Sasha DiGiulian, Paul Robinson in Jason Kehl pod plezalno steno - nekaj misli o plezanju ... (angl.)


Climb For a Lifetime, ClimbSmart!
Climbing Wall Association 
Climbing is inherently dangerous. Professional climbers Chris Sharma, Sasha DiGiulian, Paul Robinson, and Jason Kehl join the Climbing Wall Association to share their thoughts on climbing, climber responsibility, and the dangers associated with the sport.
Made possible by our sponsors, this free video is a valuable resource for climbing facilities, websites, and orientations.
The ClimbSmart!® program is a national public awareness campaign addressing the elements of risk in climbing sports, climbers’ safety, and personal responsibility. ClimbSmart!® is a program of the Climbing Wall Association. In addition to this video, posters, publications, standards, and other resources are available from the CWA ...

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