

Andi ali Kordiljere/Cordillere: osrednja gorska veriga Južne Amerike; geografska nadkategorija je Amerika
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David Lama Cerro Torre - napovednik

RB: 13. maja bodo v Nemčiji pričeli predvajati film ...




David Lama Cerro Torre trailer released
Tarquin Cooper:The trailer for David Lama's eagerly awaited 'Cerro Torre: a snowball's chance in hell' is now out.
The wait is almost over. Almost two years after his seminal climb of Cerre Torre, 3,128m, a feat which captivated the climbing community, the new feature film of David Lama's ascent is about to be released. The trailer, above, is published this week.

“I'm really looking forward to its release,” says Lama. “People have been talking about it for almost five years now and I think many will be surprised by how it turned out in the end...”

It’s about determination, authenticity and taking a stance on what you believe in and want to achieve.
David Lama and Peter Ortner made headlines around the world in 2012 after making the first free ascent of Cerro Torre's Compressor Route, a line steeped in mountaineering lore. It was Lama's third attempt on the mountain. ...

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Andi Kordiljere - Cordillere