

Andi ali Kordiljere/Cordillere: osrednja gorska veriga Južne Amerike; geografska nadkategorija je Amerika
Podkategorij nimamo, za oznako podrobnejših lokacij  bodo značke, ki jih  postopoma  vključimo ...




Special Public Avalanche Warnings, high danger,

Today's podcast is all about this weekend's conditions.

Special Public Avalanche Warnings, high danger,

We're talking Special Public Avalanche Warnings, high danger, and why that pesky persistent problem is still keeping us concerned.

Listen now 🎧 https://bit.ly/8Mar24AvCanPod

AvCan Podcast

By Avalanche Canada

Your weekly podcast from the team at Avalanche Canada. Tune in as we discuss conditions, learn about avalanche safety, explore snow science, and brush up on your avalanche safety.

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  • Število objav: 588

Andi Kordiljere - Cordillere