

Andi ali Kordiljere/Cordillere: osrednja gorska veriga Južne Amerike; geografska nadkategorija je Amerika
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Torre Egger zahodna stena - napovednik

 Pajki iz Lecca: Matteo Della Bordella (29) in Luca Schiera (22) sta letos marca dokončala smer ... (1200 m, 7a, A2, WI4), ki so jo Pajki poskušali splezati, leta 2011 in 2012 ter tako postala prva, ki sta uspela stopiti na Torre Egger čez zahodno steno ...


Torre Egger West face - trailer of the first ascent
Trailer of the movie about the first ascent of Torre Egger West Face (1200m 7a/A2/WI4) climbed by Ragni di Lecco in March 2013.
Matteo Bernasconi (31) and Matteo Della Bordella (29) tried to open this route for the first time in 2011, then came back in 2012 and got mighty close to finish it, but finally it is just in 2013 that Matteo Della Bordella and Luca Schiera (22) completed this line, being the firsts to summit Torre Egger from the West side.
Climbers: Matteo Bernasconi, Matteo Della Bordella, Luca Schiera
Directed and edited by Pietro Porro


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Andi Kordiljere - Cordillere