

HIMalaja s Karakorumom, Visoka Azija ...  za nas najpomembnejše gorsko območje (Evrazije); geografska nadkategorija Azija 
Podkategorije so oznake držav: NP, PK 




Iskalci svobode

YouTube - Mountain Springs: Art of Freedom - The Polish Himalayan
( 1:10, angleški podnapisi) Zgodbe o najuspešnejših poljskih himalajskih odpravah ...

Art of Freedom (2011) - The Polish Himalayan

Art of Freedom tells the stories of the most difficult Polish expeditions and the most spectacular ascents. It depicts the essence of Himalaism: overcoming the weaknesses of the human body in the most extreme conditions. It is also a story of endurance, solidarity, trust and concern for the overall well-being of the team. After all, Himalaism is the school of life, a test of survival and the experience of true freedom.
The documentary film  ...


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HIM: Himalaja s Karakorumom

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