

HIMalaja s Karakorumom, Visoka Azija ...  za nas najpomembnejše gorsko območje (Evrazije); geografska nadkategorija Azija 
Podkategorije so oznake držav: NP, PK 




Zahodni K6 - prvi pristop

Ian Welsted in Raphael Slawinski sta letos poleti nad dolino Charakusa v Pakistanu opravila vzpon na K6 West (7040 m). Zgodba  o prihodu v državo, ki se je ravno soočala s pobojem enajstih ljudi pod Nanga Parbatom, ljudeh, plezanju ... 

K6 West First Ascent from Ian Welsted on Vimeo.

K6 West from Latitude Photography on Vimeo.



K6 West First Ascent
Ian Welsted: Raphael Slawinski and I established a new route in the Charakusa Valley of Pakistan in the summer of 2013. This is the story of arriving in the country, being confronted by the massacre of 11 people in Nanga Parbat, and the first ascent of K6 West (7040 meters). A huge thanks to: Gore-Tex for the Shipton-Tilman Grant, the American Alpine Club for the Lyman Spitzer Cutting Edge Award, and to the sponsors of the Mugs Stump Award.


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HIM: Himalaja s Karakorumom

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