

PLE -zanje, -zalski ... mišljena je predvsem športnoplezalska aktivnost (oz. akterji);  na naravnih in umetnih stenah. Dodatno lahko označimo še: pleBAL in pleDWS | TeKmovalno pa ima ob osnovni  oznaki TEK lahko še: tekBAL, tekHIT, tekTEŽ in tekKOM






Stripe Visuals: Kratek napovednik (1:28) filma o Klemnu Bečanu, njegovem plezanju v Ospu ... Govore slovensko, podpisi idr. pa so v angleščini Friko: napovednik ...

.blogspot.com: sreda, 18. junij 2014: Bala Bala


Short film Bala Bala tells a story about Klemen's contribution to Slovenian climbing scene through developing climbing area called Osp, especially its most famous crag, where the hardest rock climbing routes are found, called "Pajkova streha", which means Spider's roof. The story follows Klemen's achievments in developing and climbing the marvelous cave, full of limestone tufas; since the year of 2007, Klemen bolted 7 popular routes, including two of the hardest rock climbs in Slovenia, Halupca 1979 (9a) and Waterworld (9a), which Klemen sended few months ago. The period of bolting and climbing was ended with upgrade of all the rutes; in late march 2014, Klemen bolted a 180 m long, multi-pitch route, which he graded around 8b(?). In the movie, you can also see the appearance of a young, talented Slovenian climber of the new generation Domen Škofic, who sended Klemen's project Water World, and also one of the most legendary Slovenian female climbers in history, Martina Čufar Potard, a successful competion and rock climber. The film is not a classical documentary style film full of talking, but a movie full of action and climbing, trying to describe the true meaning of this area to Klemen and his achievements. Soundtrack: James Brown feat. Tupac: The Payback (remix)

Friko: Kratki film slovenskih ustvarjalcev Stripes Visuals predstavlja Klemna Bečana in njegov prispevek k razvoju plezanja v Ospu, predvsem v Pajkovi strehi, kjer se nahajajo najtežje smeri v tem plezališču. Klemen je v strehi od leta 2007 opremil in preplezal sedem smeri, vključno z najtežjima Halupca 1979 (9a) in Waterworld (9a), ki jo je Klemen preplezal pred nekaj meseci. Zadnja smer, ki jo je opremil je 180 metrov dolga smer Bala Bala ...

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