

TUJ -e, -ec, -ina ... vsa območja izven Slovenije
Osnovne podkategorije so: evropsko, azijsko, CIS (območje nekdanje SZ), afriško, ameriško, Oceanija in antarktično




Biographie (9a+)| Ceuse | Sachi Amma

adidas Outdoor: Sachi je letos kot enajsti plezalec uspel v smeri Chrisa Sharme Realization ...



FB - Sachi Amma ... 8. avgust 2014
I sent Realization 9a+/5.15a the first 9a+ in the world from Chris Sharma. I was a big fan of him. Growing up watching Dosage which the sending of Realization was in when I was young. I was nervous to touch the holds on my first try because it is kind of like touching the history of climbing for me. I worked 5 days and finally I got it! I could feel that I came to this level.

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TUJ -ina, -ci