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Marko Prezelj: o alpinizmu

Plezanje je jezik radovednosti, svobode, umetnosti, strasti, ljubezni … športa …

Marko Prezelj: o alpinizmu

Marko Prezelj: Ni treba, da je alpinistični jezik takoj zboren. Iskreno je ravno prav. Iskrenost ni tako priljubljena v sodobnem svetu sreče in fasade uspeha – pol resnice/polne laži.

Alergičen sem na blefiranje in nepoštenost. Nisem velik ljubitelj soloplezanja, še manj pa hitrostnega plezanja. Do nedavnega sem mislil, da je za solo plezaleca morda najtežje to, da to zadržiš zase. Toda predstavitev Danija Arnolda na Scarpa Ice Days v Cortini je ostro pokazala na temelje profesionalnega plezanja in alpinizma. Slog je pomemben! V profesionalnosti! Pri soliranju! V hitrosti! V življenju!

Tukaj se postavlja vprašanje: kaj je cilj? Je to vrh in čas? Ali pa je to proces na poti do cilja? Vedno z veseljem stojim na vrhu, veliko večje zadovoljstvo pa se mi zdijo priprave za vzpon. Pri tem napredujem, pridobivam pomembna znanja, najdem nove tehnike, vse optimiziram. Če gre vse prav, menim, da stati na vrhu ni nič drugega kot logična posledica.

V preteklosti nisem toliko razmišljal o tem. Zame je bilo vedno jasno, kako želim izvesti projekt. Zdaj je vedno več mešanih oblik, ki so zame vse legitimne. Vsak lahko dela, kar hoče in kakor hoče. Ko pa se primerja, kar je običajno, se mi zdi ključno, kaj se primerja. Navzven je te razlike precej težko prepoznati. Zato poskušam tukaj nekoliko razložiti svoj slog.

Ko se lotim projekta, pomislim, kako se ga želim lotiti. Grem sam ali v navezi? Katero opremo vzamem s seboj? Kater način naj izberem? Solo ali prosti solo? Kako vse dokumentiram? Predvsem pa si želim priti domov spet zdrav. To prinaša nekaj izzivov in konfliktov, saj po eni strani želim biti pri vzponu čim bolj brezkompromisen, po drugi strani pa želim imeti čim večjo varnost. Nočem delati napak, hkrati pa želim ustvariti čim boljšo izkušnjo. Želim osebno pokazati, kaj zmorem in česa sem se naučil. Pri tem moram iti do svojih meja. Kako naj vse to združim? Moram najti svoj način za to.

To me pripelje do drugega kritičnega vprašanja: ali ta projekt izvajam zase ali za druge? Živim od alpinizma, odvisen sem od tega, da sem kdaj pa kdaj v javnosti. To je zame pomembno. Vendar se nikoli nisem lotil projekta iz tega razloga. Nikoli nisem iskal hitrega uspeha v medijih. Najbolj sem ponosen, ko mi uspe nekaj, kar sem si sam izbral in pri tem ostal zvest svojim načelom!

To je zelo osebno in morda delikatno, vendar menim: če živiš od alpinizma in se želiš primerjati z velikimi imeni našega športa, je vprašanje pravičnosti, da te podrobnosti narediš transparentne, saj le tako lahko primerjamo velike dosežke v našem športu med seboj.

Naša strast ponuja veliko. Vsak najde svoj osebni izziv. Imamo priložnost in svobodo, da počnemo, kar želimo. Posledice pa moramo nositi sami. Poskusite biti previdni v naših gorah preži veliko nevarnosti, dobro se pripravite, v gore se odpravite le s prijatelji, ki jim zaupate, in se z njimi zabavate. Če želite priti na vrh in z alpinizmom živeti, bodite pošteni in transparentni. To bo tudi zainteresirani javnosti dalo priložnost, da resnično ceni vaše dosežke.


Marko PrezeljClimbing is the language of curiosity, freedom, art, passion, love … sport …
Alpinist’s language doesn’t need to be instantly tasty. Honestly is just right. Honesty is not so popular in the modern world of happiness and success facades - half truths/full lies.
My character is allergic to bluffing and dishonesty. I’m not a big fan of soloing, even less of speed climbing. Until recently I thought that the hardest part of being a solo climber might be keeping it to yourself. But Dani Arnold’s presentation, at Scarpa Ice Days in Cortina, sharply pointed to the fundamentals of professional climbing and alpinism. Style matters!
In professionalism. In soloing. In speed. In life!
@daniarnold_alpinist, my humble respect for not keeping it just for yourself, and for fighting for our shared values!
When someone is pissing in our fountain, we react. Or we don’t care, because it’s easier to consume … whatever? The question here is: What is the goal? Is it the summit and the time? Or is it the process on the way to the goal? I am always happy to stand on the summit, however I find the preparation for it much more satisfying. In the process I make progress, gain important knowledge, find new techniques, optimize everything. If you've done all that right, I think, standing at the top is nothing more than a logical consequence.
In the past, I didn't think so much about it. For me it was always clear HOW I wanted to do a project. Now there are more and more mixed forms, which are all legitimate for me. Everyone can do what he wants and how he wants. But when comparisons are made, which is usually the case, I find it crucial what is being compared. From the outside, it is quite difficult to recognize these differences. Therefore, I try to explain my style a bit here. …..
When I set my sights on a project, I think about how I want to tackle it. Do I go alone or in a rope team? What equipment do I take with me? Which line do I choose? Solo or free solo? How do I document everything? - Above all, I want to come home healthy again. This brings some challenges and conflicts, because on the one hand I want to be on the road as uncompromisingly as possible, but on the other hand I want to have the greatest possible safety. I don't want to make any mistakes, but at the same time I want to create as great an experience as possible. I want to show myself personally what I can do and what I have learned. In doing so, I have to go to my limits. How do I bring all this together? I have to find my own way to do it.
This brings me to another critical question: Am I doing this project for me or for others? I make my living from mountaineering, I depend on something about me being in the public eye from time to time. This is important for me. However, I have never approached a project for that reason. I have never been in search of quick success in the media. I am most proud when I have achieved something that I have worked out myself, staying true to my own principles! This is very personal and perhaps delicate, but I think: if you make a living from mountaineering and want to compare yourself with the big names in our sport, it is a question of fairness to make these details transparent, because only in this way can the great achievements in our sport be compared with each other. 
Our passion offers so much. Everyone finds his or her personal challenge. We have the opportunity and the freedom to do anything we want. But we have to bear the consequences ourselves. Try to be careful, there are many dangers lurking in our mountains, prepare yourself well, only go to the mountains with friends you trust and have fun with. If you want to get to the top and make a living out of mountaineering, please be honest and transparent. This will also give the interested public a chance to really appreciate your achievements.

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