




Plezalni dan - 10.03.14

EpicTV: Paige Classens - Lead Now in Edu Marin ter Dani Moreno na hitrem plezanju v Peruju - La Esfinga (850 m,1 ura 45, 7a) ... (angl.)



Edu Marin and Dani Moreno Speed Climb La Esfinga, Peru | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 236
Today we're reporting on a really interesting project called "Lead Now" involving US professional climber Paige Classens, who is travelling the World inspiring people through rock climbing. She has spent a month in 8 countries so far and is currently in Chile, after which she'll come head home to the States for her final leg of the tour. Check out the Turkey leg of the tour at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L9p_T1_xAY&list=UU5lbaFeeye1eMgXJ-WWEKWw Edu Marin and Dani Moreno have recently been on a bit of a trip to Peru, where they have speed climbed La Esfinga, a 850m wall, that they managed to climb in 1 hour 45, not bad considering the climbing was up to 7a. Check out the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQHrmDdIqTY Edu Marin and Dani Moreno Speed Climb La Esfinga, Peru | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 236

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