




Še dve 9a+

8a.nu: Adam Ondra je na Norveškem splezal še dve težki smeri. V Flatangerju Kangaroo's Limb in v Hellu Hell Racer ... (angl.)

Two 9a+ FAs in Norway by Adam Ondra 

Adam Ondra has made yet another trip to Flatanger and made yet another 9a+ FA, Kangaroo's Limb. "Another season in this beautiful cave is over for me. Many projects left behind. Left exit version of Kangaroo's dyno project, the cheater's one. Dyno specialists, come and try it! I could stick the dyno as a single move, but not very close to link."

The day after on his way home, he stopped by in Hell and opened Hell Racer, "4th day on, last day in Norway, excellent timing and good way to say good bye. Took 4 days in total. Quite serious bouldering into sustained finish."

In total, the 20 year old has now done 82 9a's and harder, which is more than double than the runner up, Chris Sharma, on this list. The number of 9a+ and harder is 28, out of which 19 is FAs.

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