




Steve McClure uspel v Straberries (E7, 6b)

Marmot Mountain Europe: McClure je bil uspešen in na pogled opravil prvo britansko ponovitev legendarne trad smeri - sanje izjemnega plezalca so se uresničile


Steve McClure onsighting "Straberries"
Marmot Mountain Europe: "Strawberries" (E7 6b) is truely one of the most famous routes in Britain. Located in the lovely crag of Tremadog, it has built a huge reputation since it was first climbed by Ron Fawcett back in the 80ies. The demanding trad route was first onsighted by no other than Stefan Glowacz in 1987, an effort which only Jorg Verhoeven (in 2011) and Hansjörg Auger (2012) could achieve since then. On June 12, Steve McClure could realize the first British onsight of this legendary route - a dream came true for this outstanding climber.

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