




V studiju

Petr Pavliček, Adam Ondra in Petr Neubauer (tonski tehnik) so sestavili zanimiv prikaz »plezanja nemogočega« ... Sproščeni Adam se je razživel ob podoživljanju »težavnega mesta« v prvem raztežaju smeri Change (9b+), Flatanger, Norveška

CHANGE - Adam Ondra pushing hard in the studio (behind the scenes ) from BERNARTWOOD on Vimeo.


CHANGE - Adam Ondra pushing hard in the studio (behind the scenes )
BERNARTWOOD PRO: Today I found in my mobile phone one older funny mobile video shot of Adam in the sound studio, recording commentary for our movie Change, the part where he described first crux of Change... I worked on it for an hour, just for pure fun, and here is the result, small funny non-climbing video which might inspire someone... :-)
Cast: Adam Ondra, Petr Neubauer (sound-designer speaking from the headphones), Petr Pavlicek
Music: Maok - Atmospheres
Filmed and edited by: Petr Pavlicek

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