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Adidas rockstars

Mina Markovič: ... posebna zvrst master boulder tekmovanj (ang.)

Adidas rockstars are special kind of master competition, specialized in bouldering. As it is usual for master competitions, there is place just for invited. I was really glad to receive an invitation already earlier this year, and was looking forward for this event. But, almost till last day I was not sure, if I will find enough strength to attend it. But, I really wanted to go there. Why – because everyone who has been already here told me it is super nice. And now, I can totally confirm you – it IS! :)

Competition itself is really made on high level and it is pleasure to compete and participate on event like this!

I have already very enjoy climbing qualifications. The system was little different than usual WC format, with 4 problems and 4 minutes climbing time for each. Before the comp, we had also time, to fell free to watch and discuss about boulders together with other competitors. Boulders looked pretty hard, but at the end I found myself on top of all 4 and were really happy about it. Ok, I was not so satisfied with (too) many attempts I did, but still finished first round on provisional 7th place.

Next day there was time for semifinal. Again, we could observe the problems (but not try or touch them!) and then go back to isolation, warm up and wait for our time to climb. Problems looked pretty hard, but different and interesting again. I did not found them really my style and was, honestly, little sceptical about them. But, when I came under the wall, I just saw them in different perspective and were very motivated to top them all. So, I flashed the 1st one, needed 2 attempts for 2nd and 3rd one and at the end also do a 4th one quite fast – WoW! :) It was enough for provisional 4th place and ticket to evening finals!

In finals, we have all climb first 2 problems. Then there was time to eliminate 3 and other best 3 continued to next boulder, where was made selection for best two to challenge in speed climbing of 'superboulder'. That was the plan. I was really looking forward and sure, wanted to compete on last one. But I was not alone – there were another 5 also super strong girls with same goal :). I have started very well with flashing the first problem and was leading by first boulder. But, in next one (running start jump) I needed too many attempts to stuck first holds and than finis boulder easily. Despite of too many tries I could watch next rounds only from crowd.

But, it was still very cool – Shauna Coxsey showed really nice performance, strength and fighting till end in 3rd boulder. It was also nice to watch battle between her and Juliane Wurm (who won) in last one. Also, big congratulations to Slovenian Jernej Kruder, who climbed well all day, come into finals and there was faster than Ristam Gelmanov and won the comp! :)

I have to admit, that event made really big impression on me and I just wish, it would be more events like this. So, all I can add is, that I am just looking forward to come back next year!!!

Mina Markovič


Foto: C. Waldegger

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