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Izbor - Mike Twid Turner

Njegovih top deset najljubših prostih večraztežajnih smeri 

Izbor - Mike Twid Turner

Caveman (E6 800 m) Curnos Norte , Tores Del Paine 1989 z ženo Louise. 

Umwelten (E5 700 m) Nalamatorsauq, Greenlandija 1994 z Louise

Grains of Time (E4 500 m) Suri Tondo, Mali 1996 Louise, Grant Farquar in Ray Wood. 

Always the Sun (7c+ 450 m) 1997 Madagaskar, z Louise, Grant Farquar in Steve Mayers. 

Rachel Welsh arete (E6 500 m) Akapan Tapui, Venezuela 2001 z Louise, Steve Mayers in Dave Turnbull

Storm Pillar  (E6 700 m) Vagakalen, Lofoti 2004 z Louise.

Ecstasy (7c+ 300 m) Simalstock, Englehorner, Švica 2011z Andy Cave

No rest for the wicked (7c+ 850 m) Taghia, Maroko 2021 soplezalca Simon Hitchens in Mark Thomas. 

Wish you where here (7b+ 400 m) Dedegöl, Turčija 2023 soplezalec Michael Kimber.

Perfect Monsters (E7 6c 100 m) Mingulay z Louise in Gary Later. 


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