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Megos superiorno na Kalymnosu

8a.nu: Alexander Megos je v petih poskusih opravil s štirimi tekmovalnimi smermi in v treh urah pobral nagrado ... (angl.)

Megos winning in a superior style on Kalymnos

Alexander Megos did the four competition routes in five tries over just three hours securing the win and the Euro 3 000. He warmed up on an 8a that most guys did not flash. Then he onsighted an 8b+ with no chalk or tickmarks on which the others struggled and had to use all 25 min to find the beta. Many say the conditions are not the best but the route setters were even so very nervous but eventuallly he fell when he tried his third route, the 8c, onsight. 30 min later he did it looking easy as always and finally he flashed an easier route partly in the sun.

Gabri Moroni who come from Frankenjura where he had done three 9a's in five days. "He is from another planet." In fact, more or less all athletes used these words responding to, What do you think of Megos climbing?

How is it to climb with all these top climbers and how did you find the routes?
It is strange for me, some years these guys were my heros. The routes were nice and I had the advantage of already been on the island for more than two weeks.

So have you open any new routes?
Actually, that has been my focus. I have opened 10 routes between 8a+ and 8c+ and there are still many to do.

How have you been training lately?
Since May I have just been climbing. My trainers are becomming more my coaches helping me out with, let say, mental training and general guidance in my climbing life. But this winter we will do some hard training again

 8a.nu - 10.10.2013

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