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28. junija bodo v Moskvi na steni kapele svetega Nikolaja Čudodelca odkrili spominsko ploščo, ki je namenjena spominu ruskega alpinista Alekseja Bolotova.
Spominski zapis Nine Adjanin (angl.)

Aleksej je lansko leto skupaj z Denisom Urubkom poskušal splezati novo smer na Everestu. Zaradi pretrganja vrvi je po padcu umrl.

Kapelica v Moskvi je bila postavljena na pobudo Fedorja Konjuhova, znanega popotnika in pomorščaka. Namenjena je spominu na preminule pomorščake in pustolovce ... Mountain.ru | G-L: Aleksej Bolotov



  This is all! 

15.6.2013. Base camp Nanga Parbat.

 Nina Adjanin: Grey-haired Gena entered the dining tent carrying a stove. I did not understand why he brought it, when there was a big kitchen right next to us ... His solemn face and a deep wrinkle between his eyebrows expressed profoundness of the moment. He put the stove on the table, light a fire and said, "Let it burn eternal flame." Most of the team was in the camp one, working on the route, only 8 of us were down at the base camp. We were all looking at the stove that was burning at full power. We didn’t say anything, but by the way we were staring at the flame, it was obvious that something important was going on. A sharp pain pierced my heart… my soul was overwhelmed with memories.
Exactly one month before, on that day, I was in the centre of Ljubljana. It was my birthday and I was sitting in a coffee shop with Urban Golob and Miha. We were having ice cream, enjoying the moment. Then I received a message from Ivan, saying that Alexey Bolotov had died on Mt. Everest. “He was planning to join us on the Nanga next month…”, the words got stuck in my throat… I was overcome by grief.
We were sitting round the stove, immersed in our thoughts. Ihor brought a bottle of spirts into the tent and a bottle of vodka was already there. "Ninusha, first take a deep breath, then swallow the drink and exhale air from the lungs strongly … Gena and the rest of the team were teaching me how to drink this 90% pure alcohol, without destroying my throat permanently. You can’t say no to a Russian who is offering you a drink, they’ve told me. There are some unwritten rules that you have to obey. So I had two glasses of the strongest drink I’ve ever tasted… when I took the third one, I poured it on the ground when no one was watching … Then Gena, with his calm voice, began to speak. "When someone asks me to choose the best moments of my life , I will not tell them about the moment when our team reached the top of K2, after we climbed the West buttress ridge, I will not tell them about the time when we climbed the most difficult part of the vertical face of Jannu, or the time when we received the highest national award for the athletes ... No, I will not tell them about that, but I will tell them about my friends with whom I was in the camp 2 on Everest and who are gone now, and those with whom I am sitting right now, here ... because we are one.” He crossed his fingers and squeezed them hard … "We are like this!" and tears welled up in his old eyes ... Yes, we made a toast to them, we made a toast to us and we let this song play.
This song still echoes in my ears every day ... May them rest in peace and glory and let this flame be eternal.

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