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Plezalni dan - 10.04.14

EpicTV: Hazel Findlay je postala prva Britanka s preplezano 8c ... (angl.)


Hazel Findlay First British Woman to Climb 8C in Oliana Spain | EpicTV

Climbing Daily: We've just heard that Hazel Findlay has become the first British woman to climb 8c, with her ascent of Fish Eye at Oliana. It's more than 20 years since Ruth Jenkins made the first British female ascent of 8b, so although Hazel had previously done 8b+, it's taken a long time to break through the 8c barrier. We've got an inspiring video, profiling US veteran competition climber Rob d'Anastasio, who combines working pretty hard at a real job to crushing hard at the weekends. This isn't a sponsored climber telling us how great life is, this is a story of commitment and motivation which will put most people to shame. https://vimeo.com/91354088 Hazel Findlay First British Woman to Climb 8C in Oliana Spain | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 256 Hazel Findlay First British Woman to Climb 8C in Oliana Spain | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 256

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