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Prispevek o bajtarjih

RTV SLO: ... v oddaji Slovenski magazin

... Ko Veliko planino, visokogorsko planoto v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah, zapustijo pastirji, se v njihovih slikovitih hiškah naselijo "bajtarji".

V nedeljo, 3. aprila, ob 14.30 na TVS 1, ponovitev v ponedeljek ob 18.00 na TVS 1

Slovenski magazin: Cottage dwellers of the Velika Planina plateau
Before the long reign of winter, herders drive their cattle from the mountain meadows down to the valleys, leaving their mountain dwellings behind for a while. Yet the picture is entirely different on Velika Planina, a high-mountain plateau in the Kamnik–Savinja Alps, which takes pride in its picturesque herders’cottages. The winters are also lively here, with the new cottage dwellers, called “bajtarji”, who settled the plateau in winter time and even developed their own, unique cottage dwellers’ culture.


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