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Libby Sauter in Mayan Smith-Gobat sta 29. septembra preplezali smer Nose v El Capitanu - 5 ur 39 minut - Mayan Smith-Gobat ... (angl.)


Mayan Smith-Gobat: Driving into Yosemite I suddenly felt an incredible mix of relaxation and psyche flooding through my body… After a long week of travel, I was tired and had arrived in San Francisco feeling rather unmotivated and exhausted. But, this all disappeared when I laid eyes on the Capitan again. I love this place… It really is one of the most incredible places on this planet – The climbing on El Capitan is phenomenal, and it is incredible having this huge amazingly solid, steep and compact granite face towering over a perfectly flat peaceful meadow – Nothing else compares to it.
Although it was a tiring trip, I felt honored to attend the Adidas Rockstars Bouldering Competition in Stuttgart. It was a fantastic event and it was great to spend a few days in one of homes with friends from all over the world! Thanks Adidas for organizing such an incredible event!

My first week in Yosemite has been very busy… After a quick warm-up route on the Fifi buttress, I threw myself straight onto El Capitan – Playing on this incredible wall has been pure fun! The first few days I was over-gripping and putting far too much energy into climbing the climbing, simply not feeling relaxed on the smooth granite. However, after a couple runs up the Nose and a day climbing on the top of Free Rider I am feeling like it is home again…

Over the last week I have managed to do several runs on the Nose… Yesterday Libby Sauter and I managed to establish a new female speed record of 5 hours 39 minutes – Taking almost two hours off the previous record time!

This last week the 10th annual Yosemite Facelift has been happening – There has been a great turn out of people volunteering to clean up the Valley and some incredible evenings of films and presentations. I am honored to have been invited to present as part of this event- It was great to have the opportunity to contribute to the Facelift and inspire my people to follow their dreams! Thanks! Bring on the perfect Fall weather and lots more fun on El Cap!

On of my most favorite views - From halfway down the descent route
On of my most favorite views – From halfway down the descent route
Once again, thanks to everyone who has helped me live this life and spend time in the most incredible places on this planet!

Ženski rekordi v smeri Nose

Leto plezalke čas
1996 Vera Wong in Abby Watkins 16:30
2004 Heidi Wirtz in Vera Schulte-Pelkum 12:15
2011 Libby Sauter in Chantel Astorga 10:40
2011 Jes Meiris in Quinn Brett 10:19
2012 Mayan Smith-Gobat in Chantel Astorga 10:10
2012 Mayan Smith-Gobat in Chantel Astorga 7:26
2013 Libby Sauter in Mayan Smith-Gobat 5:39


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