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Ueli Steck interview after Matterhorn solo

PlanetMountain: Interview with Ueli Steck from Switzerland after his 13 January speed climb of the Matterhorn in a record 1 hour 56 minutes via the Schmidt route.

Matterhorn, S stena- Smer bratov Schmid
Prvi vzpon: Franz and Toni Schmid, 1931

Ocena: TD/ED, 1100 m; Steck 13.01.2009 – 1:56

Grandes Jorasses, S stena - Colton Macintyre
Prvi vzpon: Nick Colton-Alex MacIntyre, 1976

ED2, WI6, M6, 1100 m; Steck 28.12.2008 - 2:21

Eiger, S stena – Heckmairjeva smer
Prvi vzpon: Heinrich Harrer, Anderl Heckmair, Fritz Kasparek in Wiggerl Vörg, 1938

ED2 V-, A0, 60°, 1800 m; Steck 13.02.2008 - 2:47


TRILOGY EXPRESS, interview with Ueli Steck

Congratulations Ueli, with your ascent of the Matterhorn you've finally realised a 3 year dream ...

Celoten intervju (z uvodom) na Planet Mountain >>>

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