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Jenn Flemming v Hudičevem stolpu

 NPF: Jenn je od malega želela plezati v tem stolpu ... 


Jenn Flemming in DevilsTower: National Parks Epic Challenge
from National Park Foundation PRO 
Professional climber Jenn Flemming had always wanted to climb Devils Tower, the otherworldly volcanic formation that was featured in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” Devils Tower National Monument is located in eastern Wyoming, a day’s drive from Jenn’s home in Colorado, where she has achieved several first female ascents. Jenn grew up in Massachusetts and has climbed in top U.S. destinations and in China, Iran, South Africa, Bolivia and other countries. She loves climbing that is very technical, and credits her parents with instilling a passion for the outdoors by taking her on many family trips to America’s National Parks. (NationalParks.org/explore)

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