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Plezalne nezgode (7.)

Jason Fleming: Preden komentirate si preberite pojasnila ... 




Before commenting negative things please read this and let me make a few things very clear, I admit both of us messed up pretty bad that day. Let me tell you what exactly went wrong and hopefully it'll avoid some of you making the same mistakes we did. First off, neither of us realized just how chossy and sketchy this cliff was until we had gotten on it. The bottom was pretty stable and even though my belayer was pretty new, she was belaying very well that day up to this point. As I was climbing I grabbed what I thought was a stable hold. It wasn't until I pulled it a certain direction that it came loose which sent me falling (yes, a dumb mistake, but one I'll own up to). When I hit the ground I didn't realize it was her fault. I thought I had a grounder due to the runout or something on my part. It all happened so fast and since I thought it was my fault and because both of us were ok, I decided to keep climbing. If I had known at the time she was the reason for me hitting the ground, I would not have climbed and I would have given her further instruction and a gri-gri. I'm not trying to make excuses for either of us, I'm simply trying to tell you all what went wrong, admit to our faults and hopefully help you guys avoid our same dumb mistakes we made. I have only been trad climbing for a few months and still have a lot to learn. As far as her "careless" attitude towards the fall, she was far from it. I got texts from her that whole week apologizing for it and making sure I was ok. She still tells me just how bad she feels about it. I think she was just in a bit of shock when it happened and that was her reaction. I am a very Christian and forgiving person so no, I was not at all mad at her. I accept the fact nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes and that yes, shit happens. Please try to keep the comments clean, I like to maintain a positive feed and if you're going to post negative things I just wont approve it and nobody will see what you have to say. I hope you enjoy my videos and thank you for watching!

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