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Plezalni dan - 24.02.14

EpicTV: Alex Honnold in Tommy Caldwell sta opravila prvo kompletno prečenje vrhov in špic v Fitzroyevem ... (angl.)


Honnold and Caldwell Make Epic First Ascent of Fitzroy Traverse | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 226
Between the 12th and 16th February, Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell made the first complete traverse of the Fitzroy ridge. The ridge itself is frankly MASSIVE. They covered 5 kilometres, climbed 4000 vertical metres and encountered difficulties up to 7a. The key to their speed was simul climbing, where both climbers climb at the same time, placing protection between them. The risks are higher because you aren't being belayed in the traditional way, but it means you can eat terrain up and is a commonly used method on longer routes. To give you an idea, they climbed the 20 pitch Pillar Goretta on Fitzroy in 3 simul climbing pitches. Well done guys! Photos Courtesy of : http://www.alexhonnold.com/ Video Courtesy of: http://www.camacro.com/ Next up we have the next episode of Sub Zero, check out the series here: http://www.epictv.com/media/podcast/you-wont-believe-how-this-ice-climber-trains-to-scale-frozen-waterfalls-|-sub-zero-ep-2/274034 Honnold and Caldwell Make Epic First Ascent of Fitzroy Traverse | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep. 226

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