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Svetovni pokal v Kranj

Maja Vidmar: Imam občutek kot, da se je sezona šele začela, pa jo je že konec ... (angl.)

World Cup Kranj

Maja Vidmar: I have a feeling that the season has just begun and it’s already over. Last competition of the year and my favourite is of course Kranj. Like all the previous years (since 2002) I made it to the finals. To climb the final route in front of the home crowed is like a dessert to me, I always enjoy it to the fullest.
This time I was really excited to make it to the finals but then something clicked in my head and I became so nervous right before the final show started. I don’t know how could this happen to me after being there for so many years. This strange feeling overcame me and my climbing wasn’t very relaxed. Being in the finals was my goal and I did it. I just regret that I couldn’t enjoy my climbing in the final route and crush it.
Now I’m packing for Chamonix where I have some “job duty” – military games.
Well, it’s not all over yet.

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