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Tre Cime

Versante Sud: avtorja Erik Švab in Giovanni Renzi, ponatisnjen plezalni vodnik, 180 strani, angleščina

  ISBN 978-88-87890-97-6 |  2009  |  272 strani  |  25,50 EUR


Erik Švab, born 1970 and living in Trieste, is married with two children and dedicates himself 100% to alpinism: sports climbing, modern and classic routes, trad routes, solo ascents, competitions, new routes, ice falls, dry-tooling, ice and mixed routes as well as expeditions. Throughout his twenty years of alpine activity he has achieved more than 500 ascents in the mountains.
He collaborates with the media and organises evening events for the public; he is a member of the Slovenian minority in Italy and speaks seven languages.
He is an honorary member of the Italian Academic Alpine Club. Since becoming a father his greatest achievement has been to reconcile high level alpinism with family life and career. He does his best by climbing around the Alps and Europe, in both summer and in winter. 

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