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Zadnja dva meseca

Maja Vidmar: Po dolgotrajnem obolenju prstov ... (angl.)

My last two months

Maja Vidmar: After my long battle with this finger injury, I finally started to climb again. At first, I needed to be very careful not to crimp too hard too soon, so I spent some days climbing outside, just enjoying the sun and some easy routes. I loved it, but something was missing…training!!! I guess I’m addicted to the feeling of trying hard and feeling sore after a hard training session.
So I started training in our new gym, but I only did things that are not dangerous for my finger, such as system wall training, where I have more control of what I do and I specifically focused on improving my weaknesses, which are more dynamic climbing style and slopers.
I think all this will make me stronger at the end and when I’m ready I’ll go out to climb some hard stuff and crush some competitions.
Here are some pictures …

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