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13.08.2007 18:59 Franci Savenc 1379 0

Grafična predstavitev: Kam izginjajo ledeniki!?

24.04.2006 11:35 Franci Savenc 1364 0

Arbeitsgruppe der Europäischen Lawinenwarndienste:

09.03.2006 12:51 Franci Savenc 1350 0

Microsoft: Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, and Homework

19.02.2006 16:30 Franci Savenc 1231 0
American and English climbing terms and translations of those terms in other languages: DE, FR,...
30.11.2005 18:27 Franci Savenc 1833 0

Portals to the World from the Library of Congress

30.11.2005 18:19 Franci Savenc 1771 0
Canadian Mountain Encyclopedia: Trip reports, photos, route descriptions, and GPS co-ordinates....
30.11.2005 17:59 Franci Savenc 1797 0

Climbing Dictionary - Glossary of climbing tool and terms

17.11.2005 00:31 Franci Savenc 1199 0

Lexikon: Mountainbiken und Bergsteigen – Bergerlebnis pur!

22.10.2005 16:15 Franci Savenc 1317 0

Malý anglicko-český slovníček "Quick start to rockclimbing terminologie"

11.06.2005 10:59 Franci Savenc 1107 0

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