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 Craig Muderlak: Ashley Smith na previsnem monolitu Flatirons Boulder v Koloradu ...


Maiden Light from Craig Muderlak on Vimeo.


Maiden Light
Craig Muderlak: This is the story of one aerial fabric dancer taking her performance into new territory - on the backside of The Maiden, a prominent, overhanging monolith in the Flatirons of Boulder, Colorado. This is also the story of a significant collaboration and the power of combining forces to make something wonderful come to fruition. Without the help of riggers, rock-climbers, photographers, videographers, and a bunch of extra helping hands to help coach the dancer on climbing technique and carry water, food, and gear deep into the Flatirons, Maiden Light would not have been possible. At some level, this collaboration is as central to the story as the performance itself.

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